Dieses Plugin von Darcade ermöglicht es Benutzern, per Voreinstellung einmal am Tag Lotterie zu spielen.
Es muss bereits ein Plugin für Permissions verwendet werden.
Zum Spielen einfach eingeben:
Ein Spieler benötigt dazu das Recht lottery.
Die Datei MinecraftLottery.jar ins plugin-Verzeichnis kopieren/herunterladen. Server starten, damit die Beispielconfiguration erstellt wird.
Die Datei liegt auf Bukkit-Dev.
#Config for MinecraftLottery Plugin #DO NOT TOUCH config-version: 2 #Set to false if you don't want to let the plugin check for updates. checkforupdate: false #Allow the lottery, only once a day #Note if you disable it the player will be able to do as many lottery's, as he wants. once-a-day: true #Maximum count of items you can win max-price: 15 #message Message: #Message when the player tries to deny: You already had your lottery. #Message that the player gets that does the lottery allow: You get %AMOUNT% of %WONITEM%. #message when the player has no item to pay. noitem: You have no %PAYITEM% in your inventory. #Broadcast that will be send when the player won an item. broadcast: Gratz! %PLAYER% won %AMOUNT% of %WONITEM%. #Name of the Item that is used to pay #WARNING: Item ID's wont work! itemtopay: GOLD_INGOT #amount to pay amounttopay: 1 #You can chose if you want to use the blacklist, or the whitelist #whitelist means it will only use the items that are written into the whitelist.yml file. #blacklist means it will not use the items written into the blacklist.yml file. #itemlist: [blacklist/whitelist] itemlist: blacklist #Broadcast when someone win's an item do-broadcast: true