

Dieses Plugin von Darcade ermöglicht es Benutzern, per Voreinstellung einmal am Tag Lotterie zu spielen.


Es muss bereits ein Plugin für Permissions verwendet werden.


Commands und Permissions

Zum Spielen einfach eingeben:


Ein Spieler benötigt dazu das Recht lottery.


Die Datei MinecraftLottery.jar ins plugin-Verzeichnis kopieren/herunterladen. Server starten, damit die Beispielconfiguration erstellt wird.

Die Datei liegt auf Bukkit-Dev.


#Config for MinecraftLottery Plugin

config-version: 2

#Set to false if you don't want to let the plugin check for updates.
checkforupdate: false

#Allow the lottery, only once a day
#Note if you disable it the player will be able to do as many lottery's, as he wants.
once-a-day: true

#Maximum count of items you can win
max-price: 15

#Message when the player tries to         
  deny: You already had your lottery.
#Message that the player gets that does the lottery
  allow: You get %AMOUNT% of %WONITEM%.
#message when the player has no item to pay.
  noitem: You have no %PAYITEM% in your inventory.
#Broadcast that will be send when the player won an item.
  broadcast: Gratz! %PLAYER% won %AMOUNT% of %WONITEM%.
#Name of the Item that is used to pay
#WARNING: Item ID's wont work!
itemtopay: GOLD_INGOT

#amount to pay
amounttopay: 1

#You can chose if you want to use the blacklist, or the whitelist
#whitelist means it will only use the items that are written into the whitelist.yml file.
#blacklist means it will not use the items written into the blacklist.yml file.
#itemlist: [blacklist/whitelist]
itemlist: blacklist

#Broadcast when someone win's an item
do-broadcast: true