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Mumble Moderator

The Mumble Moderator is a really nice framework; creating new modules is very easy even with few knowledge of Python.

What does Mumble Moderator do?

The Mumble Moderator (MuMo) handles the communication between Ice - Schnittstelle zum Mumble-Server and the Handbuch für Mumble-Server (Murmur). All you need to do is using the so called Callbacks.

Modules for Mumble Moderator

Install the Mumble Moderator

Install modules for the Mumble Moderator

Multitail scheme for Mumble Moderator

A scheme for colored output in multitail can be found at multitail-schemas.

Error message about MessageSizeMax in Mumble Moderator

On large Mumble servers or on servers with many user comments or channel descriptions a module can cause the following error:

ERROR maxusers exception ::Ice::MemoryLimitException
    reason =

To solve this you must enlarge the maximal useable memory per call to the server. Details can be found here (German).

Edit the file mumo.ini and add the following to the [iceraw] section:


Then the limit has the same value as the Handbuch für Mumble-Server (Murmur) in newer versions. If not, see here (German).

Now restart MuMo.

MuMo should work now without errors.

Logcheck and MuMo

A scheme for Logcheck can be found at, the file is named mumo.

en/mumble/tools/mumo.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2022/10/27 14:21 von

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