Mumble Moderator
- Website:
The Mumble Moderator is a really nice framework; creating new modules is very easy even with few knowledge of Python.
What does Mumble Moderator do?
The Mumble Moderator (MuMo) handles the communication between Ice - Schnittstelle zum Mumble-Server and the Handbuch für Mumble-Server (Murmur). All you need to do is using the so called Callbacks.
- See also: in my blog (German)
Modules for Mumble Moderator
Install the Mumble Moderator
Install modules for the Mumble Moderator
Multitail scheme for Mumble Moderator
A scheme for colored output in multitail can be found at multitail-schemas.
Error message about MessageSizeMax in Mumble Moderator
On large Mumble servers or on servers with many user comments or channel descriptions a module can cause the following error:
ERROR maxusers exception ::Ice::MemoryLimitException { reason = }
To solve this you must enlarge the maximal useable memory per call to the server. Details can be found here (German).
Edit the file mumo.ini
and add the following to the [iceraw]
Then the limit has the same value as the Handbuch für Mumble-Server (Murmur) in newer versions. If not, see here (German).
Now restart MuMo.
MuMo should work now without errors.
Logcheck and MuMo
A scheme for Logcheck can be found at, the file is named mumo